Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 4 [September 24th 2007]

Things today started out kind of slow. I was exhausted when I woke up and it pretty much carried on for the majority of the morning. I finished my Thom Yorke Lanolium print and it looks pretty decent. I'll have to take photos of the prints and put them on here.
After class I headed over to meet Nichole at her house and from there we went to Tribal Image tattoo to visit RJ and see about some tattooage. Turns out they'd been having a pretty slow day and and RJ agreed to give Nichole the coy fish tattoo on the spot. It turned out very nicely, I like it alot.
I also got an estimate for a tattoo I'm interesting in getting in tribute of my grandpa. A ship on my ribs. [Ouch] Which, with color, would only cost 150. Sounds like a deal.

From there we went to meijers, bought some stuff, came back here and watched Secretary which I've been dying to see.
Also another great movie.

Overall, good day. Fun stuff.

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