Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day Two [September 21st 2007]

I had to go to work early. Once again it lacked being busy and the whole day turned into a hunt to find my belongings as my co workers and managers thought it would be funny to hide stuff such as my keys and purse around the theatre. Once I collected all of my belongings [and my ridiculously low pay check] I left 2 hours early.
Headed home, got some taco bell, then left to go pick up sean.
We went to Paint Creek and looked at the new grafitti. Explored some of the trails until they turned into unpassable mud.
Returned home again and left shortly after to go to best buy to pick up a new movie.
Got in there walking behind this guy and apparently the guy that worked there thought we were together...
I avoided an awkward situation by simply walking away when he asked 'Can I help you guys find anything?'
Ended up buying The Science Of Sleep. It's by the same director as Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, and is my new all time favorite movie. I bought it then and have watched it four times since.

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